Sunday, November 22, 2009


30 snatches for time.

36 lbs in 4 minutes. I could've gone a bit faster. I was taking a break at one point and my mind started wondering. Jon brought me back to reality, not sure how long I was out of it!

Saturday, November 21, 2009


50-40-30-20-10 Double Unders and sit ups.

Did singles 2x instead of DUs in 8:55. This is a minute faster than I did it last time....I've been going back in my head to see if I skipped something. I don't think I did but who knows.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Still having some motivation issues and been fighting stinking colds. But I've made it the gym 3 days in the past 5 days. Pretty good. I rowed and did pull ups the first two times but today I actually did a workout! I did "Elizabeth" in 8:04. I used 42# and did squat cleans. I think I've down power cleans in the past but Jon told me that to do the WOD "right" I had to do the squats. First time I've lifted weights in weeks. I'm sure I'll be sore tomorrow...

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Too Sore

That 1 pood KB swing really took it out of me. I'm sore all over. Didn't workout yesterday. Today I did 4 rnds of 400m run and 25 squats in 15:52 (I think). Still no internal motivation. Happy I worked out but sure I could've done better on the time.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Baby WO

Did the Xfit Mom Workout. 4 pull ups (2 bands), 4 ring dips (1 band), 8 push ups on knees, and 12 KBswings 1 pood. Did 8 rounds in 15 minutes. My intention was to go for 20 minutes but Maggie seemed to have other plans and got grouchy. I am seriously lacking in motivation right now in wanting to workout. Will try to figure out why...

Friday, October 23, 2009


4 Rounds of 500m row, 20 WB (10#), 20 Knees to Elbows (more like knee ups), and 20 Ring Dips (w/band). Completed in 25:38, 4 mintues shorter than the last time I did it about 4 months ago.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Lunges and Sit Ups

4 Rounds 50m walking lunge and 50 situps. Completed in 17:19. Jon told me that 50m is up and back 3 times (or six lengths of two sidewalk squares). Is that correct? or did I do more or less work than necessary?

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Row and BP

3 Rounds row 500m and 30 BP. I used 45# and completed it in 26:37. Almost 4 minutes to the second off of my previous time. Woo hoo! (didn't work out yesterday)

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Hating Burpees

21-15-9 OHS 32# and burpees
Completed in 6:43. Sure my form sucked and I couldn't do push ups on the burpees. But I got it done.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Will try harder to post...

Yesterday: I did the Alt: 2k row, 50WB, 1k row, 35 WB, 500m row, 20 WB. I used the 10lb WB and did it in 26:46.
Today: "Randy" 75 powersnatch. Used 32lbs and did it 8:53.

Monday, September 7, 2009


Did CFT today, first workout in a couple weeks I think. I had a blocked duct (yuck!), then Maggie and I both had colds. I'm finally feeling better and ready to go back to the gym and we're leaving town for a couple of days. My goal is to run a few times while we're gone. My CFT score was 302. SP=52, BS=115, and DL=135(PR!). For some reason, the BS scared me today. I was really afraid of hurting myself. My BS is usually my best lift so I was frustrated. On a good note, I'm fitting into some of my larger pre-pregnancy clothes! I feel wonderful about it. I'd be happy if I lost another inch around my waste.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Hang Power Clean

Hang Power Clean 7x3: 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55
Power Clean: x1 60, 65, 70 (fx3)
Dunbar Hike 3 miles - what a beautiful day, heat wise, today was!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Karen and lunge WOD

Yesterday: "Karen" 10lb wall ball in 8:58; interval running 90 sec on 60 sec off for 27min
Today: Walking lunge 100 ft.21 Pull-ups21 Sit-ups, 18, 15, 12, 9, 6 in 17:07.
*my quads are sore. Not too bad after WBs yesterday but ouch after lunges.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Catch Up

Once again playing catch up.
8/6 (my birthday!) "Elizabeth" 50# in 6:41, 2000m row
8/8 4.5mile hike at LBL
8/10 Tabata WOD 263 w/ 3 bands and did 3 rounds w/ reg push ups
8/12 "Linda"95# DL, 45# BP, 55# PC in 16:38; "Annie" 10:17 single jumps x2. I should've done tuck jumps but didn't think about it until the car ride home (luckily!!). I was sore for a week after Linda. WOW, wasn't expecting that. So naive.
8/13 Pull up Ladder 9+7 w/ 3 bands. So humbling. Wish I had more upper body strength, faster and w/o really working for it.
8/14 Four Rounds of 800m run. Times were 5:35, 5:39, 5:33, and 5:36. As Jon said, I am consist ant.
8/16 Tabata Row w/ Jen. PP 7x3 32, 37, 42, 47, 52, 57, 57
8/17 "Helen" running, 2 bands w/ help from Jon, 12kg KB, 16:26; 1000m row
8/18 "Barbra" 3 bands, push ups on knees in total of 36:04. That was hard. I went in to it thinking I'd do 3 rounds but I did all 5 thanks to Jon and Nat for pushing me. I'm glad I did it all but I'm tired now.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

FGB and row/burpee/run

Tuesday's FGB was actually the first time I've done it. I've seen y'all do it several times. I used 33 and 32 lbs for the SDHP and PP, 10lb WB, 20in box and my score was 279. Goal was to do around 20 reps of each exercise and hit at least 7 calories on the row. My sholders were smoked by the last round of PP.
Today did WOD of 3 rounds 500m row, 21 burpees, and 400m run. Time was 26:46. My burpee push-ups were a little sorry but hey I pulled 'em out.
Overall felt good about my time/score over the last two workouts.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Shoulder Press

SP 5x5. Not so happy but I guess I'm still store from yesterday's C&J. Did 32-37-42-42-42.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Clean and Jerk

With a continuously running clock do one Clean and Jerk the first minute, two Clean and Jerks the second minute, three Clean and Jerks the third minute... continuing as long as you are able. I used 41lbs and did 8 rounds +6. I was going to do 46lbs and Jon talked me down to 41 (I was shocked). 46 felt heavy so maybe it was a good choice.

Monday, July 27, 2009


I took a cycle off. I was burnt out. I think it was good. We'll see how I feel tomorrow after Cindy. I used 3 bands and did push ups on my knees. Completed 12 rounds in 20 minutes. I did this WO during one of my first days back to the gym after having Maggie. Last time I did 13 rounds doing jumping pull ups instead of bands. Not sure if this time was better or not.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Mid July WODs

I'm hard pressed to be at the computer and have my workout/nursing log at the same location and at the same time so I've been sucking at blogging my workouts but I have been writing them down.
7/8 Split Jerk (1x7) 45-50-55-60-65-70-75(f)-75
7/9 3 Rounds 500m row and 30 BP 45# in 31:32. That was hard!
7/10 Dunbar Hike
7/11 Baby WOD 250 row, 20 squats, 250 row, 20 pull ups, 250 row, 20 push ups, 250 row, 20 abs in 12:32
7/12 5 rounds 30 Ab Mat and 25 good mornings 22# in 14:07
7/13 "JT" 21-15-9 SP 33#, dips, push ups in 16:23; 1000m row; cardio video at home
7/14 walk 45 min
7/15 "Nancy" 5 rounds 400m run, OHSx15 32# 24:50. I had a migraine afterwards. Running in the sun makes my head hurt!!!! Walked down by river before working out.
7/16 HPC (1x7) 35-40-45-50-55-60-65(fx2)-62(fx2); 90 sec on/90 sec off rowing 8 rounds. I was almost there so many times on the HPC 65 and 62 lbs. I kept hitting my boobs on the bar and gave up.
7/17 30 snatch 36# in 2:43; 1000m row. Apparently, I should've gone up in weight. Now I know; walk 45 min
7/18 walk 45 min
7/19 Filthy 50 YUCK used 16"box, 12kg KB, 33# PP, and singles x2 in 31:09. I was pushing hard and felt good about my time. Next time I'll use 20" and go up a little with the PP. Neighborhood walk 30 min?
7/20 "Elizabeth" 21-15-9 power clean 50# and dips in 8:46; 1000m row.
I'm trying hard to loose this stinkin baby weight. D suggested adding rowing to the workouts so I've been adding rowing, trying to talk more walks, and doing an occasional work out video at home. Overall, I feel proud of my accomplishments. I'm defiantly stronger than I used to be and I'm moving faster than I ever have before. I just don't see any of my hard work paying off on my body yet....I guess I could always work on cutting stuff (like sugar!) out of my diet. We'll see....

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Feeling the squats

21-18-15-12-9-6-3 Front Squat 45# and Ab Mat in 12:37. Heard this was too fast and I should go up in weight. I say's pretty hard to get up the stairs now but maybe I should've gone up 10lbs.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

5k row

27:42 w/ a few baby interuptions

June Catch Up

6/13 50ft lunges, 21 pu (3 bands), 21 reverse su then 18,15,12,9,6. 20:15
6/15 row 1600 and sit ups (had gym adhd)
6/16 Dunbar Cave hike
6/18 50 WB(10#) 50 jumping pu, 35, 20. 16:30
6/19 "Grace" 5:09 32#, x1 42, 52, 57 and power clean 60
6/20 Dunbar hike
6/21 30-20-10 16kg KBDL, box jumps, push ups 11:23
6/23 BS 3x 45, 55, 65, 75, 85, 95, 95; Dunbar hike
6/25 31# 5 thrusters, 7 HPC, 10 SDHP, 8 rounds +5+7 in 20 min
6/26 Dunbar hike
6/27 21-15-9 65# DL, box jumps, dips 7:36
6/29 CFT 312. SP 52#pr, DL 130#pr, BS 130#pr; 2 walks
6/30 Modified Annie 50-40-30-20-10 jump rope singles x3 and reverse sit ups

*I'm feeling good about the work I've done. I can do more weight on most of the workouts but I don't feel comfortable doing it but I'll start trying to push myself more.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Alt WO

Three rounds for time of: 50 Jump rope double unders, 50 Hip Extensions, and 50 GHD Sit-ups. I substituted tuck jumps for the du's and I did 100ct flutter kicks instead of the GHDs to target the lower abs which need the targeting! Time was 19:05. My neck's been hurting the past couple of days and it hurts to turn it today. I'm going out of town for about 32 hrs and will take 2 rest days to see how my neck feels.


Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of: 5 Pull-ups, 10 Push-ups, and 15 Squats. I did 13 rounds using jumping pull ups and push ups on my knees.

"Lynne" and "Maggie"

Lynne: BP and PU (3 bands) 10/5, 10/5, 9/4, 10/4, 8/3 = 47/21
Maggie: 4 rounds Row 500m, 20 wall ball #8, 20 knees to elbows, 20 dips = 29:19

Friday, June 5, 2009


I wanted to deadlift today because my calves are sore from running the other day and I haven't done it since before I was pregnant. My pre-pregnancy deadlift was 125#. Today I did DL 7x1: 45, 55, 65, 75, 85, 95, 105, 115, 125! and I tried 135 2x but failed each time. I got the bar up but did not do a full extention at the top. I could feel it in my back and I started to get scared. Feeling great about getting my old PR though.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Past Two Workouts

Tuesday: OHS 5x5 21,31, 36, 41, 46 and 50 x1. This was my first time doing OHS not pregnant.
Wednesday: 3 rounds of 400m run, 21 1 arm KB swings 16#, 21 pull ups (jumping/kipping....and yes it was supposed to be 12 pull ups but I misread it).
Muscles are so sore.

Monday, June 1, 2009

yikes...catch up on posting May WOs

5/8 Row 2mi
5/9 BS 5x5: 45, 50, 55, 60, 65 and SP 5x5: 22, 27, 32, 32, 37
trip to Ohio
5/21 2 rounds 750m row, 20 push ups (knees) 20 thrusters (22lbs) and 20 pull ups (jumping) 19:30 minutes
5/22 1/2 Micheal 3 rounds 400m row, 25 back extentions, 25 situps 17:39
5/24 5 rounds 20 squats, 20 push ups, 20 situps 17:44
5/25 4 rounds 45 lunges, 5 pull ups w/ 3 bands 15:32
5/26 am run for 12:20 (at least a mile I hope!) pm row 2mi 17:03
5/28 30-20-10 1arm KB swings 16#, pull ups (jumping), air squats 9:26; row 1000m
5/29-5/31 out of town visitors. lots of long hilly walks! legs are super sore!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Back to the Gym

I'm back! It feels good to be working out again...although I was and still am scared about injuring myself and how difficult all the workouts are/will be. I've worked out the past three days. Day 1 I rowed for 2 miles with a feeding break after the first 500m; Day 2 BS 5x5 - 45, 50, 55, 60, 65 (pre-pregnancy max 110) and SP 5x5 - 22, 27, 32, 32, 37 (pre-pregnancy max 48). Day 3 6 rounds of 10 thrusters (22lbs) and 10 ring rows in 20 minutes. I get winded so quickly and easily. Plus, I'm so used to during my workouts slow, it's hard to think about moving quickly. The weights are heavier than I remember. I'm starting at square one again and it's frustrating. My legs and arms are sore today but its good to be sore again. I'm also trying to eat better or at least lower my caloric intake a bit. We're going out of town for the week but we'll be back next Thursday or so.

Friday, April 3, 2009

April: a Month of Rest

I miss working out. Never thought I'd say that, actually. **TMI warning** I had a 3rd degree laceration during delivery and I'm told that this will require more than 6 weeks of rest. Poo. Good news is that I'm starting to feel a lot better and have started talking short walks with the baby. I was thinking that I could probably start doing some arm exercises sitting down. Anyone have any other ideas?? I'll probably be coming to the gym with Jon at least once this week, just to watch and show off Maggie to anyone who's around. Miss catching up with you all.

Monday, March 9, 2009

I'm still here

I've still been working out but find it 1. hard to remember the workouts that I've done and 2. I feel ridiculous posting what I've done b/c it's not much. I have trouble finding workouts that I can still do without causing too much discomfort later that night. So, I've been doing a lot of squats, rowing, shoulder press, step ups, lunges, push ups and walking on my own.

Friday, February 27, 2009


Day 1: Row 500m then: 15-12-9 Lunges and Good mornings #22
Day 2: 21-15-9 OHS no weight, Push ups, and Step ups
Day 3: Row 2000m and 3 sets of 15 push press 22lb

Monday, February 23, 2009

3 more workouts

Day 1: took a real rest day. Jon took me on a 3 mile walk up and down hills on our rest day. Felt good but I got out of breath really quickly.
Day 2: 24-18-12 Push Press 22lbs, Step ups, and Push ups. 500m row warm up and cool down.
Day 3: Row 500m then: 15-12-9 Lunges and Good mornings 22lbs

Thursday, February 19, 2009

This is getting harder

So I'm back after about a two week break. I was in Ohio, visiting with my parents here, and recovering from a cold. I did a little walking on the treadmill while I was gone and lots of touristy activities but no real working out.

Day 1: 3 rounds of 500m row and 25 squats.

Day 2: "Tiny Tanks" 200m farmer's walk 10lb dbs, 200m row, 200m waiter's walk 10lb kb, 200m row, 200m barbell carry 11lb, 200m row, 200m waiter's walk (other arm) 10lb, and 200m row. Plus a 45 minute walk with the dog.

Day 3: Walk with Jon and the dog around neighborhood. My hips hurt after yesterdays workout not sure if it was b/c of going up and down the driveway and the hills in our neighborhood or just a fluke, so I thought I'd better take it easy today.

Monday, January 26, 2009

3 more

Saturday: 4 rounds of Row 400m, 15 step ups 16" box, and 15 jumping pull ups, rowed 1600 m
Sunday: 3 rounds of 15 step ups 16" box, 15 back squats (22lbs) and 15 shoulder press (22lbs), rowed 1600m
Monday: rowed 30 minutes
My body is starting to ache, especially in my hips and back. I think I have done my last workout with weighted squats.

Friday, January 23, 2009

More from the Belly

Day 1 (Tues): Walk
Day 2: 24-18-12 Pull ups, Push ups, One-armed kettlebell swings 8kg, and row 1600m
Day 3: 4 rounds Row 400m, 10 squats, 10 push press 27lbs

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Past Few Workouts

Wednesday: 21-15-9 OHS #22, Push ups, Step ups. Plus 400m rows inb/w
Thursday: Day of Rest
Friday: 21-15-9 Wall ball #8-10 and Pull ups. Plus 400m rows inb/w
Saturday: 3 rounds Row 400m, 20 one-armed KB swings 8kg, and 12 pull ups
Sunday: Row 500m then: 15-12-9 Lunges, Good mornings #22, and push press
It feels good to be working out regularly again. I think after today's workout my legs will be feeling it!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

We're Back

We're back from our incredibly long vacation. I probably gained about 10lbs while we were gone. What a sabotage the holidays were. I worked out about an average of 3 times a week. Sometimes I just walked for 40 minutes on my parents treadmill and other days I did a crossfit mom workout.
Today I did 4 rounds of 10 pull ups (jumping w/4 boxes), 10 back squat 22lbs, and 10 push ups (on knees). I rowed 800m before and after workout.
I'm excited to catch up with everyone over the next few days or so.