Saturday, August 22, 2009

Hang Power Clean

Hang Power Clean 7x3: 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55
Power Clean: x1 60, 65, 70 (fx3)
Dunbar Hike 3 miles - what a beautiful day, heat wise, today was!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Karen and lunge WOD

Yesterday: "Karen" 10lb wall ball in 8:58; interval running 90 sec on 60 sec off for 27min
Today: Walking lunge 100 ft.21 Pull-ups21 Sit-ups, 18, 15, 12, 9, 6 in 17:07.
*my quads are sore. Not too bad after WBs yesterday but ouch after lunges.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Catch Up

Once again playing catch up.
8/6 (my birthday!) "Elizabeth" 50# in 6:41, 2000m row
8/8 4.5mile hike at LBL
8/10 Tabata WOD 263 w/ 3 bands and did 3 rounds w/ reg push ups
8/12 "Linda"95# DL, 45# BP, 55# PC in 16:38; "Annie" 10:17 single jumps x2. I should've done tuck jumps but didn't think about it until the car ride home (luckily!!). I was sore for a week after Linda. WOW, wasn't expecting that. So naive.
8/13 Pull up Ladder 9+7 w/ 3 bands. So humbling. Wish I had more upper body strength, faster and w/o really working for it.
8/14 Four Rounds of 800m run. Times were 5:35, 5:39, 5:33, and 5:36. As Jon said, I am consist ant.
8/16 Tabata Row w/ Jen. PP 7x3 32, 37, 42, 47, 52, 57, 57
8/17 "Helen" running, 2 bands w/ help from Jon, 12kg KB, 16:26; 1000m row
8/18 "Barbra" 3 bands, push ups on knees in total of 36:04. That was hard. I went in to it thinking I'd do 3 rounds but I did all 5 thanks to Jon and Nat for pushing me. I'm glad I did it all but I'm tired now.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

FGB and row/burpee/run

Tuesday's FGB was actually the first time I've done it. I've seen y'all do it several times. I used 33 and 32 lbs for the SDHP and PP, 10lb WB, 20in box and my score was 279. Goal was to do around 20 reps of each exercise and hit at least 7 calories on the row. My sholders were smoked by the last round of PP.
Today did WOD of 3 rounds 500m row, 21 burpees, and 400m run. Time was 26:46. My burpee push-ups were a little sorry but hey I pulled 'em out.
Overall felt good about my time/score over the last two workouts.