Thursday, October 30, 2008

Yesterday and Today

Yesterday I did 21-15-9 OHS 32lbs, Push ups and Step ups. I think 32lbs was the most weight I done on OHS because I believe the first time I did OHS was just last month with 22lbs. I also rowed a mile, did some shoulder presses at 32lbs, and did a yoga video at hom. So I had an uncomfortable night sleep and was sore this morning. The soreness could be from anything or from a mix of things. So today I took it a little easier and did a xtfit mom beginner workout (usually do intermediate). I did 3 rounds of 250m row, 22 KB swings (10lbs - 11 each arm), and 12 ring rows. I'm glad tomorrow is a rest day!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Chilly day

Today I did 3 rounds of 400m row, 15 thrusters (22lb) and 15 push ups. I was sucking at them. I felt dizzy after the push ups and was having some ligament pain which didn't make the thrusters or the rowing seem very fun. I had some ligament pains yesterday,too. It was good to see everyone and their families today!!

Monday, October 27, 2008

No Rest for Me

Jon talked me into coming into the gym this morning on our rest day...which I guess is okay b/c we didn't come in on Saturday. I did another crossfitmom workout, "Noah" 4 rounds of 200m row, 10 push ups, 10 good mornings 22lbs, and 10 pull ups.

Sunday, October 26, 2008


So I didn't go the gym yesterday but I did walk the dog for about an hour in the morning and went the pumpkin patch with a girlfriend later in the day. It was a pretty full day of activity for this one. Today, I did 4 rounds of 12 shoulder press (22lbs), 12 knee ups, and 12 box steps. I also rowed 800m before and after the workout. Last time I did box step ups I got a bit dizzy but I felt fine this time!

Friday, October 24, 2008

"Baby Cindy"

This afternoon, I did "Baby Cindy" which consisted of 5 pull ups, 10 push pus, and 15 squats (but I did 25 for some unknown was even writen up on the board) for 10 minutes. I had every intention of keeping track of how many rounds I did but I forgot to do that, too. I'd imagine that I did about six rounds maybe seven. I also rowed 800m before and after the workout.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Baby is on the move

Today I did: Row 500m then: 15-12-9 Lunges and Good mornings 22lb bar. And in other news...I know I felt the baby moving this afternoon. I've felt stuff earlier but couldn't tell if it was gas or the baby. So that's exciting! I wish Jon could feel it, too. I know he's looking forward to that.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

"Baby Nancy"

4 rounds of row 400m and 15 overhead squats 22lbs. Nothing else really to say about that.

Monday, October 20, 2008


Today I did 4 rounds of 12 back squats 45lbs, 12 ring rows, and 12 wall ball 8lb. I rowed a mile to start. This workout was tough! I'm not sure if it was tough because it had been awhile since I worked out or what but those ring rows were killer. It's good to be back at the gym and see Jen, Michelle, Dyphna, Kat and to meet Kristin. Yea for exercising! I was so impressed with everyone this morning. You are all so strong doing the workout as prescribed. I'm looking forward to hopefully joining you one day....

Monday, October 13, 2008

More of the same

This morning I did 3 rounds of Row 500m, 12 squats, 12 push ups, and 12 pull ups.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

We Brought Friends

I was so excited to share Crossfit with friends today. We had one friend who's in town during a rotation at the hospital for a few weeks and another friend and her husband who just moved to town. They have a 10 month old daughter. I hope the friend in town will come back. Anyway the three of us did a xfit mom workout from earlier in the week. We did 3 rounds of 500m row, 16 one-armed KB swings 10 lbs, 15 lunges and 15 shoulder press 8 lbs DB’s. We timed it and it took about 22 minutes with breaks for water and to entertain the baby.

Friday, October 10, 2008

"Baby Kelly"

Baby Kelly consisted of 3 rounds of row 400m, 15 step ups 20in box and 15 wall ball 4 kg. It went well but started to get a bit dizzy on the step ups. 20in is higher than it was last time.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

I'm back!

So I'm feeling much better and so happy to be back. Today I did 4 rounds of 200m row, 10 hang muscle snatch 21 lbs, and 10 squats. Yea for not being sick! Also, I got to work out with Kat today! I'm glad she's feeling well enough to work out, too!