Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! I'm so thankful for you all and your friendship and encouragement.

Day 1: "Baby Logan" 21-15-9 Wall ball 8lbs, Pull ups

Day 2: "Baby Nancy" 4 rounds of Row 400m and 15 overhead squats 22lbs

Day 3: Walk 1 mile, Row 1 mile, and a couple waiter walks up and down driveway with 10lb

Picture from Day 2's OHS.

Monday, November 24, 2008

3 workouts for the price of 1 blog entry

Day 1: Walk while Jon ran.
Day 2: 18-14-10-6 One-armed KB swings 8kg, Lunges, and Push ups.
Day 3: Rowed 4200(ish)m in about 27 minutes.
Continuing to do baby yoga and other prenatal workouts at home.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Must Exercise w/ Hat on

Day 1: 3 rounds of Row 400m, 15 step ups 20" box, and 15 push ups

Day 2: Row 1600m, 5x5 shoulder press 22lb bar

Day 3: "Baby Angie" 30 pull ups, 30 push ups, 30 knees ups, 30 squats

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Nothing Exciting

I've been posting every three days b/c my workouts are so boring that I just can't bring myself to write about them everyday. This morning Jon told me that he was proud of me because I'm continuing to work out despite doing the same workouts everyday...hehe. I told him it was a good thing the workouts are short or I might loose interest more quickly.
Day 1: 24-18-12 Push ups and One-armed kettlebell swings 8kg
Day 2: 3 rounds 400 m row, 15 thrusters 22lbs, 15 push ups, and I think 15 of something else
Day 3: 3 rounds Row 500m, 15 wall ball 8lbs, 15 good mornings 22lbs, and 15 squats

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Baby it's cold outside

Past 3 days workouts:
Day 1: Didn't go to gym. Did "Maternal Fitness" at home.
Day 2: 3 rounds of 15 Step ups 20″ box, 15 Back squats 45lbs, and 15 Shoulder press 10lb DB’s
Day 3: "Jackson" 3 rounds of 15 wall ball 8lbs, 10 one-armed kettlebell swings each arm 10 lbs, 15 push ups and 15 pull ups.

Still getting a bit dizzy during workouts.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Baby Picture

First the exciting bit...we had an ultrasound done this afternoon and the tech believes that the baby is a GIRL. Wow! This makes the whole baby thing seem a lot more real.

This morning I did 21-15-9 thrusters 27lbs and pushups, yesterday nothing, and Wednesday I did 4 rounds or 200m row, 10 push press alt w/ push jerk (21lbs for the first two sets and 26 for the last two) and 10 squats.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Past 3 Workouts

Day 1: 250m row, 15 squats, 250m row, 15 push ups, 250m row, 15 pull ups, 250m row, and 15 knee ups.
Day 2: 21-15-9, Wall ball 8lbs and Pull ups, rowed mile and a half
Day 3: 4 rounds 400m row, 12 back squats 45lbs, and 12 ring rows.

I find that I'm getting dizzy more often during workouts. Usually when I finish one thing and go to start the next thing.

On a good note, our absentee ballots found us today so looks like we'll get to vote!